Edith Piaf and Jacques Brel, "cronaca di un amore immaginato" at the teatro romano of Volterra

By Natalia Dantas- 

French musical atmosphere and high-level prose at the Roman Theatre of Volterra in the evening dedicated to the centenary of the birth of Edith Piaf, which occurs in this year 2015.

Celebrated this anniversary, under the marquee of the XIII Festival internazionale del teatro romano, a suggestive staging signed by Alma D and written especially for the event and for the Festival: "l'anima e la voce," Cronaca di un amore imagined between Edith Piaf and Jaques Brel ".


The show, a cross between reading and scenic representation, saw Francesca Bianco and Simone Migliorini in the parts of the characters supported by the members of the Company Avventuracolorata, with the presence of music, played live at the keyboard and accordion by David D.


The great interpreters of prose have revived on stage charm of two characters entered in the history of music and costume, icons of French music, which in fact never had a romance between them. The fantasy of the author in theatre for Alma Daddario, this first, he pushed for commonality and contrast at the same time, inventing monologues and dialogues who rode the private lives of two great authors and music performers and that made them symbolically cross, in an exchange of banter punctuated by songs lyrics.


Intense white, in a part not easy, sometimes intentionally exaggerated in shades in expressions, moving and effective at the same time. The histrionic Migliorini, between the excesses mockers and the intimate poetic soul of the protagonist upsets.


Result of great beauty, collected and shared in full by the audience, who loved the interpreters and the work as a whole, governed by the skillful direction of the same viral Majmudar and amalgamated by the music of D.


Definitely one of the hottest shows went on stage during the current Festival, a true immersion in acting quality and music copyright.

© Natalia Dantas


