PURSUANT to Graeco-Roman Theatre in Catania

Review by Natalia Di Bartolo © dibartolocritic

Contenitore privilegiato, all’ombra di palazzi storici anch’essi, the Greek-Roman Theatre in Catania, reopened to the shows, has hosted the September 23, 2016 an evening was intense and addictive.


On the day that recurred the 181° anniversary of the death of Vincenzo Bellini, was staged the opera Normaa masterpiece of Bel Canto, Swan and unparalleled Summit evening dedicated to the artists ' decision to recently disappeared Daniela Dessì.

What really counted throughout the evening was the atmosphere of the real protagonist: the theatre. This unusual, unique art closed receptacle between the buildings, in the historic center, immersed in the fullest and glorious Baroque, grandiose sight unfolds after the viewer has passed through ambulatory full of charm and uphill and downhill path ancient vomitoria scales that live today to the enjoyment and admiration of the public.

A powerful energy emanated from the lava stones. It was as if the same monument cry out with a loud voice: “There are, I embrace you: love me!”. Then on the evening seemed to waft the spirit of Bellini, people who filled the Auditorium the experienced in full. Even the rain has suspended its arrival that had threatened throughout the day, in a mild and pleasant evening miraculously a late September a little’ turbulent.


In primo piano, dunque, the splendor of the Graeco-Roman monumentwith its remarkable acousticsbut alert and attentive, the great orchestra of the teatro Massimo in Catania, the Master Ivo Lamb, which has held up with a pretty robust wrist bellinana's score, in addition to managing, at moments, the times with a certain discontinuity and sudden slowdowns or excessive acceleration.

Interesting female voices: Daniela Schillaci, in the title role and Smooth Navy as Adalgisa.

The Schillaci Once again demonstrated mastery of the role, tackled today more than yesterday with the character's introspection and mastery of weaving. Strong and rugged his Normafull of energy, temperamentally and scenically.


Beautiful voice, beautiful color the Smooth, a Adalgisa promising, but that has already been able to create harmony with the protagonist, ensuring in particular that the unique duets with her were remarkable and striking.


Sung Kyu Park He gave up that your middle vowel, totally devoid of higher notes, allowed him to donate to a Pollione that sure did regret, unfortunately, sounds far more remarkable calibre and, above all, extension.


Still immature l’Oroveso by Abraham Rainford, secondary characters corretti, Chorus well established.


With regard to the directed by Giandomenico VaccarI, grippy enough for tradition, without any momentum and antimusicale even there where would instead coordinate movements of scenery even in favor of acoustics (particularly those between Norma and Adalgisa), to the scenes and costumes and lights, better to conclude that, to listen, it was a really good night.

Natalia Di Bartolo © dibartolocritic

Photos © James Orlando