"Piero della Francesca. Investigation of a myth” in Forlì

Edited by Dalila Calisolo —

The San Domenico Museum by Forlì annunciano, starting from February 13, 2016, "Piero della Francesca..
It said that an exhibition like this was never realized.

To make possible the dream chimed in, with the general direction of Gianfranco Bao an Scientific Committee chaired by Antonio Paolucci, which include, among others, Frank Dabell, Guy Cogeval, Fernando Mazzocca, Paola Refice, Neville Rowley, Daniele Benati, Ulysses Sunsets, James Bradburne, Marco Antonio Bazzocchi, Luciano Cheles, and Maria Cristina Bandera and John Villa.

Difficult undertaking that proposed in Forlì.

Be able then to propose a comparison at this level with many of the great masters of the RenaissanceDomenico Domenico Veneziano, Fra Angelico, Paolo Uccello in Andrea del CastagnoCastagno, among others, it is not a simple operation.
Così come è complesso il riuscire a documentare, riunendo sempre i veri capolavori, l'influsso di Piero sulla generazioni di artisti a lui successiva: Marco Zoppo, Francesco del Cossa, Luca Signorelli, Melozzo da Forlì and Antoniazzo Romano but also Giovanni Bellini and Antonello da Messina.

But this exhibition, which already so it would be a historic event, goes further, investigating the myth of Piero when it revives, after centuries of oblivion, in the modern, in Signorini,Signorini, for example. Johann Anton Ramboux or Charles Loyeux, fino alla fondamentale riscoperta inglese del primo Novecento, legata in particolare a Roger Fry, Duncan Grant and to the Bloomsbury group.

Then in restoring ancient echoes that resonate in Degas, Seurat e SignacImpressionism, among paths, in the afterglow of the purists Puvis de Chavannes, metaphysical trials of Odilon Redon and most importantly, the geometric views Cézanne. Twentieth-century artist's luck is entrusted to the Italians Guidi, Carrà, De Chirico, Casorati, Donghi, Morandi, Campigli, Sironi, Funi, Ferrazzi compared with foreign artists as fundamental Le Corbusier, Balthus and Edward Hopper who delivered the legacy of Piero to full and universal modernity.

It's the fascinating reflection between criticism and art, between historiographical research and artistic production over more than five centuries to constitute the leitmotif of the exhibition Piero della Francesca. Investigation of a myth. By luck in life – Luca Pacioli had defined "the monarch of the painting" – to oblivion, the rediscovery.

The eternal human solids immobility of Piero, of these faces barely touched by a shadow of passion continues to perpetuate his figures, raising them above the chaos, mediocrity, in a supernatural peace that we view today as revelations.

The exhibition is organized by Fondazione Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì in collaboration with the municipality of Forlì.

SOURCE Press Office Studio ESSECI, Sergio Campagnolo